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Thursday, March 31, 2011


so i know baby oil has been used forever on babies but id rather stay on the safe side and NOT use it here is an article i just read

The following summary of the hazardous effects of baby oil are compliments of

Who would ever think that a product made for babies could also hurt them? Unfortunately, baby oil-a staple of the nursery-contains almost 100% mineral oil which has many hazardous side effects...

First of all, mineral oil is a petroleum ingredient. It comes from crude oil and and is used as a metal cutting fluid.

It coats the skin like plastic wrap. When applied, mineral oil can promote acne and other skin disorders. Mineral oil also slows down normal cell development and causes the skin to prematurely age.

The most significant hazard is that mineral oil blocks the pores of the skin. This does not allow the skin to breathe and prevents the natural release of toxins from the skin. Since the skin is the body's largest elimination organ, this is a serious health hazard, especially for a baby.

Another significant problem with mineral oil for babies is that it may possibly cause vitamin deficiencies because it is absorbed into the skin, gets processed by the liver and then nutrients get bound by the oil, blocking their absorption.

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